5 Features You Want In Your Medical Alert Device

5 Features You Want In Your Medical Alert Bracelet

By Lively

Medical alert devices are very popular for seniors and those with special needs. When the individual experiences a medical problem, such as a fall, the device immediately contacts the system operators, who are able to dispatch help to the patient. Medical alert technology has already saved the lives of many, but it is constantly being improved. Recent years have seen leaps and bounds of growth within this field, providing greatly improved medical alert systems such as bracelets, necklaces and handhelds. Below is a breakdown of the 5 most crucial features that you’ll want in a modern medical alert device.
1. No Mandatory Long-term Contract
Some companies require their clients to sign outrageous contracts in order to receive service, with contracts extending as long as three years! A handful of these companies offer month-to-month options, but the rates are greatly inflated, making it cost prohibitive for many. The best medical alert companies offer several options, including an affordable month-to-month plan. You should have the freedom to choose the best plan for you, and not be bullied or manipulated into a long-term plan that doesn’t meet your needs.
2. A Pendant or Bracelet that is Waterproof and Discreet
Your wearable device shouldn’t be huge, awkward, or clunky. The best medical alert devices available are small and should be barely noticeable – blending well into your wardrobe choices. However, the device shouldn’t be so small that it is difficult to operate. Find your perfect balance, while considering that it will probably take some time to get used to wearing the device. It is crucial that the device is waterproof. Falls experienced by seniors often occur in the bathroom or shower. Look for waterproof medical alert devices, not just water resistant! You should be able to wear your device in the shower or bath.
3. Accurate and Effective Fall Alert & Detection Capabilities
A sometime controversial topic – there are mixed opinions about devices with fall detection capabilities. Some feel that the fall detection feature on medical alert devices is not sensitive enough, while others believe it is a lifesaver. The ongoing argument surrounds the different definitions of what a “fall” is and how it is communicated to the monitoring company. Both sides do agree that the technology needs to be improved. However, even while the technology continues to advance, it is better to have fall detection on your device than not having it at all. It should be noted that several companies are making huge strides in creating more accurate fall alert technology, and the use of this technology is becoming the standard rule.
4. Lightweight and Comfortable to Wear
A medical alert system doesn’t do you any good if you don’t wear it. However, if the device is clunky or uncomfortable, this is exactly what will happen. Look for a system that has a wristband or pendant device that is designed to be comfortable and lightweight. Take the opportunity to try the device on and see how it fits and feels. It may take a short period of time to get used to wearing the device, but it should not rub and irritate, cut into the skin, or feel uncomfortable.
5. Communication Capabilities
Communication capability is a critically important feature of a medical alert device. If you fall or press the button on your medical alert device, who do you want it to call? The ability to program the device to call certain people such as 911 or a call center AND a family member, makes the device even more effective. Not all falls require emergency assistance, and your device should provide options for the type of help you need. Many devices allow you to communicate with the call center through your wearable device. This is a very useful option, which can increase your safety and control of your level of care. Medical alert systems have helped many senior citizens and they can help you too! Don’t settle for substandard technology and a company that doesn’t quite meet your needs. Choose a system that will help you maintain the active, independent lifestyle that you deserve.

Tagged with: active aging, aging in place, caregiver, caregiving, family caregiving, independent living, lively mobile, medical alert, medical alert device, medical alert devices, medical alert system, mobile, mPERS, PERS, personal emergency response, personal emergency response device, safety, seniors, tech for aging, technology

9 thoughts on “5 Features You Want In Your Medical Alert Device

  1. Lori McClinton
    April 27, 2018 at 2:15 am

    I’m interested in getting a bracelet for my mother. She doesn’t have WiFi or a smartphone. Is this something we can still get for her? She’s fallen a few times and I would like to get something here quick. Thank you!

    1. April 27, 2018 at 8:13 pm

      Hello, Lori. The Lively Mobile requires no other device and can be worn around the wrist with a special accessory. Here is a link to some more information: https://www.greatcall.com/devices/lively-mobile-medical-alert-system-V3. Also, we would love to speak with you about any other questions or concerns you may have. Please feel free to give us a call at 1-877-567-0675.

  2. Denise
    June 23, 2018 at 10:34 pm

    Where do you purchase a bracelet for the GreatCall medical device I purchased at Walmart

    1. June 27, 2018 at 7:17 pm

      Great question, Denise. Here is a link to our Accessories page: https://www.greatcall.com/accessories. If you might have any other questions, please give us a call at 1-800-733-6632, 5am to 8pm PT, 7 days a week.

  3. Angela Waterford
    September 6, 2019 at 8:17 pm

    There are times when my senior father with special needs goes to the park and needs help, but no one is able to contact me. Thanks for saying that medical registry accessories can be helpful in a matter of life and death situations, so I’ll be sure to consider this. I think I’ll buy him one before he goes to the park again next week, so it might be wise for me to look for one who can make this for him. https://ifineedhelp.org/

  4. Janice London
    December 7, 2019 at 7:46 pm

    Can you tell me where I can get a wristband that holds my alert? I wrote yesterday and did’nt get an answer. I broke my band and I need a new one. Ihave your great call lie alert and have belonged for a few years, I like the band to hold my alert . It hurts my neck to wear the neckless.

    1. Aaron Chitwood
      December 9, 2019 at 7:58 pm

      Hi Janice, you can take a look at the accessories for each device here: https://www.greatcall.com/accessories

  5. Markus
    January 6, 2020 at 12:50 am

    A 96 year old family member is wearing your great call device in a wristband. He has a really hard time opening and closing the clasp. Do you offer a wristband that works with velcro? Any other ideas for alternative wrist band closing mechanisms?

    1. Aaron Chitwood
      January 13, 2020 at 9:01 pm

      We’re sorry to hear that Markus. Would you please give us a call so we can look into this together? We are available at 1-800-733-6632, 5am to 10pm PT, 7 days a week.

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